
How to download GameGuardian

How to download GameGuardian

How to download GameGuardian
(Paradigm credit: Tom's Guide)

GameGuardian is an app that can be used to hack a diversity of video games on your iOS or Android device. Much like a GameShark or Game Genie, it offers special crook codes, exploits, and other advantages you wouldn't normally be able to use in the vanilla versions of mobile games. As such, it's a cheat awarding that isn't officially supported on either iOS or Android devices, so it isn't bachelor through the official channels and must be side-loaded onto your devices if y'all choose to use information technology.

All the same, if that isn't a deterrent, GameGuardian does allow you to play with a wide diverseness of dissimilar parameters both inside and exterior of the games you load onto your device. You can load emulators to play other kinds of games from systems like Game Boy and PlayStation as well as customize your device's overall UI. Merely take care when using the programme to not brick your device. These types of apps are not typically looked upon favorably past telephone manufacturers or those who support either Os.

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Where to download GameGuardian

GameGuardian is a special cheat application. These types of apps are typically frowned upon since they're used to notice exploits in games and aren't considered fair for other users. There'due south a wide variety of things you can practise: add lives for characters, earn more gilded, bypass sure sections of a game, or fifty-fifty brand yourself invulnerable.

  • GameGuardian iOS:
  • GameGuardian Android:

Keep in listen that you should non use this app on games that you play online with others every bit you lot will probable trip an anti-cheat organisation. This may upshot in losing access to your business relationship or being banned entirely. If you make up one's mind to apply GameGuardian on either iOS or Android devices, yous'll need to use a jailbroken iPhone or a rooted Android device to load the program. This is not a procedure that's recommended for those unfamiliar with sideloading apps.

What yous tin do with GameGuardian

GameGuardian is an all-purpose adulterous app that you can use to "break" and "hack" into the games of your option. Add lives for characters, earn more money than you lot could ever do on your own, load emulators and play with homebrew video games, and change the core of your device's AI. GameGuardian is meant to assist facilitate all of these things.

Should you decide to play around with GameGuardian, be conscientious to not play online with games that tin can observe cheating apps, and but mess about with the app at all if yous feel comfy tinkering with rooted Android phones or jailbroken iPhones.

Brittany Vincent has been covering video games and tech for over 13 years for publications including Tom's Guide, MTV, Rolling Stone, CNN, Pop Science, Playboy, IGN, GamesRadar, Polygon, Kotaku, Maxim, and more than. She's also appeared as a panelist at video game conventions like PAX East and PAX Westward and has coordinated social media for companies like CNET. When she's not writing or gaming, she'south looking for the next peachy visual novel in the vein of Saya no Uta. You can follow her on Twitter @MolotovCupcake.


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