
How To Set Up Facebook Manager With Ios

It is undeniable that Facebook has been the biggest social media platform with the highest worldwide share of active users of all major platforms. Businesses and brands choose this platform every bit their primary digital marketing channel, and Facebook Business organisation Suite is an accented essential for brands of whatsoever size.

A statistics from Statista expected that, by 2023, there would be over 28.6 one thousand thousand Facebook users in Thailand. So if your brand has a Facebook page, it holds the potential to reach up to 28.half dozen million customers in this marketplace alone.

In September 2022, Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg announced the launch of the visitor's Business organization Suite tool for small businesses, replacing the old Business organisation Manager. If you are a Facebook fanpage owner, y'all should already be somewhat familiar with Facebook Business organisation Managing director and its functionality. If not, read on to learn more about Business Suite, what it does, and how to employ information technology for your brand.

Business Suite Logo

What Is Facebook Business Suite?

Facebook Business Suite(formerly Facebook Business concern Manager) is a tool that allows you to manage Facebook Pages, business assets and ad accounts, likewise as Instagram accounts and product catalogues. The Business concern Suite will help you communicate with your audience, connect with your customers and manage your business organization on Facebook and Instagram.

It can exist seen as the hub of all your business concern avails on Facebook and Instagram domain in one place. The app provides access to the key updates and priorities, and allows you to draft messages, schedule feed posts for both platforms, view insights, and create ads. The app is platonic for people in agencies (like united states of america) or those who work on multiple pages at once.

What Is Facebook Business Suite Used For?

How can Facebook Business Suite make your work easier? If you are still not sure, here are some reasons you would want to endeavour out this feature.

1. View updates at a glance

You can easily prioritize and manage your business action throughout the day thanks to the Business Suite home screen, which allows yous to encounter all critical alerts, messages, comments and other activeness that needs your attending. If you desire to simplify responses, endeavor setting upwardly a personalized saved reply for common questions.

2. Creating a specific target audience

Business Suite allows you to create a specific target audition for your demand, making Facebook Ads attain the correct customers more efficiently. You tin customize Custom Audience, Lookalike Audience, or Saved Audience, all of which are non attainable through Facebook the regular front-end.

And if yous already take your hands on email lists, they can be conveniently uploaded to the Customer List directly.

iii. Share with your Facebook and Instagram communities

Draft a new feed mail for both Facebook and Instagram, and then schedule it to exist published at a fourth dimension that makes sense for your cadre audience. In add-on to managing multiple Facebook pages in i place, you tin can also link dissimilar credit cards for each page and ad account.

4. Manage squad members' admission levels accordingly

Depending on their role, you can grant full or partial access to your squad members for each page y'all control. For instance, Member A has total access on page 10, while Member B can merely manage the content on pages Y and Z.

5. Maintain business relationship security when working with third parties

If you are in a big corporate with hundreds of employees or hiring an agency to manage your page, you tin can check and customize each user's admission at will. Business Suite also has a Security Center with Ii-Factor Authentication to keep your digital avails safety.

vi. Access to advanced tools

Aside from the 'complimentary' tools, Business Suite also gives you access to advanced tools like the Audience Insight, Campaign Planner, or Facebook Analytics Tools. These tools can facilitate more in-depth data analytics for your pages.

Facebook and Instagram Integration

How to Access Facebook Business concern Suite?

Facebook Business concern Suite is available on desktop and mobile. To use it on your smartphone, download the app:

  • Facebook Business Suite for Android
  • Facebook Business organisation Suite for iOS

If you already use Facebook Business organization Director, you will be automatically redirected to the Business Suite page when yous log in to your desktop business relationship. If not, let'south become through the fix-up step by footstep.

Stride 1: Create an Account

1. Start, become to https://business There, click on the blue CTA button on the upper-right saying 'Create Account.'

Facebook Business Manager Homepage

2. Log in to your personal Facebook Account.

3. After logging in, you will be prompted to create a new business concern account if y'all don't have whatever currently in command. Information technology will enquire for the name of your concern. Your business name will be shown to anybody, and can't incorporate any special character.

4. Once you're done signing upwards, Facebook will have yous to the Dashboard. Here, you can admission every tool you need for your page.

Create Business Account

Footstep 2: Create a Facebook Page

one. Go to the sidebar and click 'Settings.' And then click on 'Business Avails.' If you already have any Facebook folio or Instagram account, they will appear here.

ii. Click on the blue 'Add Assets' push button on the top correct.

Business Assets Page

iii. Choose your desired business asset type from the drop-downwards menus.

Various Asset Types

iv. You can set upwards various types of assets, such as creating new pages, requesting access, or claiming an existing Facebook folio.

Creating New Facebook Page

Step 3: Learn the Tools

The habitation screen of the Concern Suite provides data on updates, ads, and insights for your accounts. Here you lot tin see of import notifications that need your attention. You can promote your business direct from the domicile screen, also every bit create a post.

The dwelling screen as well shows the insights, including:

  • Trends : Achieve trends prove how much the coverage of your Facebook page has gone up or down in a seven day menstruum.
  • Audience : The total number of Facebook Likes over the course of a lifetime.
Facebook Business Suite Dashboard

The settings can be found at the lesser of the bar. Y'all tin change permissions and other settings for your business organisation account hither.

Y'all tin can change who tin publish to your Page timeline, manage page roles, and more from 'Business Assets', click on the desired nugget, then click 'Page Admission.'

Page Access Settings

How to Connect an Instagram Account on Facebook Business Suite

To manage Instagram activities from the Business Suite, you need to link your Facebook and Instagram business accounts. You volition be able to create and schedule posts, reply to comments, and discover audience insights.

Go to the sidebar on the left and click on 'Settings'. Click on the one that says 'Business concern Avails' and so 'Add Avails.'

Connect Instagram Account

In the 'Social' drop downwardly, click on 'Instagram Business relationship.' Then agree to the terms and services, then click 'Claim Instagram Account.'

Claim an Instagram Account

Log in to your Instagram account. If you are already logged in, y'all may be asked to connect to this account. Check whether it is the right account you want to connect to or click 'Switch accounts.'

Click 'Confirm' to connect your business relationship to Business Suite.


Facebook Business Suite is a new option for marketers. Information technology replaced Business Manager to simplify business relationship management for small businesses on social media. Facebook wants to make the platform accessible to businesses of all sizes. Nosotros expect to encounter a lot of updates soon.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Facebook Business Manager the same every bit Business Suite?

Business Managing director has been replaced past Business organization Suite since late 2022. So if you lot log into now, you lot're more likely to see the new Business Suite.

What'southward the difference between the two?

Concern Suite does not come with all features and tools offered by Business Manager, for instance, the Ads Manager is separated from the Suite.

Is Business Suite free?

Business Suite is a gratuitous tool that makes information technology easy to manage your social media accounts, saving you time and simplifying how you connect with customers.

Should I apply Business organization Suite?

If y'all're a more advanced social media marketer, jump in. If you run a small-scale business and use social media yourself, you will likely benefit from using Facebook Business organisation Suite. It offers a more seamless experience by the consolidation of tools for posting, messaging, analysis, and advertisement tracking.

Where is Facebook Business Suite?

Later on logging into Facebook, the Business Suite can be accessed on the desktop at Users of the existing Pages Managing director App on mobile will be asked to join Business Suite instead. The app volition be fabricated available as a carve up download on iOS and Android.

How do I place an Advertizing in a Business Suite?

Click on Ads from the sidebar on the left.Click on the Create Advertizement push button. Select Heave a Post. If yous have a continued Instagram account, you can also select Heave an Instagram Post.

Need Help With Facebook Business Suite?

Don't want to go through all this by yourself? Our team at Sphere Agency is hither to assist you lot manage your Facebook business account from outset to finish with high-performance content and social media ads. Run across our Social Media Marketing Services and Contact The states today!

Sphere is a digital bureau that helps brands create meaningful relationships with today'south highly-continued consumers. Based in Bangkok, Thailand, we offer cease to end digital solutions congenital on strategy and driven by data.


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