
How To Set Up Song Request On Twitch

Viewers love to interact with streams and assistance manage the content where they tin can. A simple way to give them some control in your stream is to enable song requests and allow them select from a list of royalty-gratis music for Twitch that you can access hands.

To create more of an incentive to lookout and interact with your stream, consider making song requests a Twitch channel point award. This way, you lot won't take to always exist playing the DJ and y'all volition get the added benefit of having more chat on your aqueduct.

This postal service volition become over what music is acceptable on Twitch and explicate how you can gear up up the Streamlabs chatbot to assistance people request dissimilar songs.

Twitch Music Bots

With DMCA strikes on the rise and channels being banned for playing copyrighted music, it is important for streamers to use royalty-free music on their channels. Just purchasing a song on iTunes or having a subscription service to mind to a vocal doesn't give you the permission or rights to play that music for a live audience.

There are several places online where you lot tin can find music for song requests on Twitch. Here are our two favorites:

Epidemic Audio

Desire access to 30,000 tracks of royalty-gratis music in over a dozen genres? Look no farther than Epidemic Sound. The platform adds works with artists and composers to add new music every single week and so you never have to worry about growing bored with your current playlist. The platform also offers a free xxx 24-hour interval trial so that you tin can experience their music beginning hand with your audience.

You can choose specific portions of the music to use as part of an intro or create elaborate playlists. Epidemic Sound as well offers Twitch alert sounds every bit part of their package. Equally Epidemic owns the rights to their music, you will never have to worry about them passing out strikes while you have an active subscription. The visitor too never makes claims on content that was released during an active subscription even after it has ended.

The Epidemic platform is piece of cake to integrate with Twitch, YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram.

Jingle Punks on Streamlabs Prime number

If you are subscribed to Streamlabs Prime, the platform's premium plan, you have access to thousands of no-copyright tunes by Jingle Punks. The music easily integrates with Streamlabs and you can even add a Twitch overlay that will evidence the championship and artist of the song as it plays.

The platform likewise offers features that allow you to play the music to your audition without having to listen to it yourself, freeing up your ears to the intricate sounds of your gameplay. There are several genres to choose from, assuasive you to find the music that works best for you and your audience.

How to Control Song Requests

To set up vocal requests with the Streamlabs Cloudbot, yous will demand to complete the following steps:

Step 1: Sign in to your Streamlabs Dashboard.

Step 2: Choose the "Cloudbot" section on the left-manus side of the screen under the "Features" department.

Pace 3: Select the "Modules" tab, then toggle the switch for "Media Share" to on (it volition plough dark-green).

Pace 4: Select the "Commands" tab, and so choose "Default."

Step v: Scroll down to the media share options. Enable or Disable the commands you want to exist used on your channel.

Step 6: On the left-paw side of the screen, click "All Widgets" under the Features department.

Step 7: Click on the "Media Share" option.

Stride eight: Brand sure that the widget is enabled in the elevation-right of the screen.

Streamlabs Song Requests Mod Commands

The following is a chart of all the Streamlabs Song Asking Commands that your mods will exist able to use:

Streamlabs Song Requests Commands

The following is a chart of all the Streamlabs Vocal Request Commands that your viewers will be able to use:

Viewers will demand to request songs using YouTube links to the song after the name of the song.

What Songs Should Exist Allowed on Your Channel?

Depending on your overall plans for your channel, you may need to set some rules on which songs can be played. For instance, if you are a family unit-friendly stream, you volition want to brand certain not to play any songs with explicit lyrics. Playing music with violence or hateful speech should likewise exist discouraged.


Foyer music in your stream is a good way to keep people entertained and vibing while you play your games or chat. Brand certain that your mic and the music's volumes are balanced so that they tin can hear you lot too.

About the Author


Luci is a novelist, freelance author, and active blogger. A announcer at heart, she loves nothing more than interviewing the outliers of the gaming customs who are blazing a trail with entertaining original content. When she'south not penning an article, coffee in mitt, she can exist constitute gearing her shieldmaiden or playing with her son at the beach.


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